Burned out or stuck in your job?

Let’s plan your way forward.

Welcome to mental health-inclusive career counseling to help you navigate all aspects of working life, from your resume to your relationships. If you’re ready to break past work-related challenges, set clear goals, and create an action plan – get the tools and support you need to make it happen.

I believe that your feelings about work are valid, and it’s possible to find the right path for you ahead.

Hi, I’m LaRae.

As a licensed psychologist and former psychology professor, I’ve spent more than 25 years helping hundreds of people move through the intersections of career and personal issues, and I can help you do the same.

 Meet a fresh, more complete approach to career counseling:
The Work-Life Directions Way


Crafted from LaRae’s decades of experience, this unique form of counseling may be the perfect next step for your career.