The Career Compass
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4 Steps to Surviving a Layoff: How to Land on Your Feet
Losing your job just sucks. Even if you know it’s coming. Even if you hated the job. Even if your whole team was downsized. Even if you took early retirement or the voluntary leave package. Whether it gets called a reorganization, restructure, downsize, redundancy, reduction in force, layoff, transition, or some other euphemism, it is still difficult. Job loss tops those lists of most stressful life experiences, right after losing someone you love.
How Do I Deal with Difficult Colleagues?
Wonderful coworkers make your job easier – maybe even make work fun. But those difficult colleagues can make meetings tense, team projects a nightmare, and increase your stress so much you consider leaving your job. So what do you do when you have to work with difficult colleagues?
Work Life Relationship Assessment Challenge
Make 2025 the year to improve your relationship with your work life. The beginning of a new year is a great time to reflect on how your relationship with your work is going. It may feel strange to think about having “a relationship” with your job. But just like any relationship, your relationship with work can go through periods of ups and downs, and get a little stale if not given attention.
That DREADED Feeling: What to Do When You Dread Your Job
Here’s a quick (and unscientific) test to see if you are burned out on your job - and if so, what to do about it.
When Work Knocks You Down: Recovering from Negative Job Experiences
There are many different ways that work can knock people down. I work with many people who have been knocked down by bad experiences in their jobs and I help them recover and move forward in their lives.
How to Avoid Saying “Hurry Up and Make a Decision” to Your Teenager
In order to make an informed decision about they might want to do after high school, your teenager first has to explore their interests and possible career paths. I’m sharing my best tips for helping teenagers make career plans.
The Introvert’s Guide to Job Searching
How to use your strengths as an introvert and take control of your job search.
Will I Still Have a Job? Living with Job Insecurity
If you are one of the millions of Americans who live in fear that you may lose your job, you are not alone. How to manage the fear of losing your job without losing your mind.
Coping with Job Loss in the Time of COVID-19
Losing your job can mean losing your financial security. For many people it means losing a part of their identity. Losing your job can feel like a failure, even when it is not your fault. It is normal to feel helpless and hopeless for a little while.
Beyond Stressed: When Work Stress Becomes Job Burnout
Most people experience stressful times at work at some point in their life. When your work stress never seems to go down and the thought of going to work fills you with dread, you may be headed toward job burnout.