“Switchers” Review


Book Review

“Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success”

By Dr. Dawn Graham

If you are a mid-career professional who is planning to switch careers, Switchers is the book for you. Dr. Dawn Graham draws on her expertise as a psychologist and corporate recruiter to develop clear strategies for successfully changing career paths.

This book is especially useful if you have identified your next career path, or “Plan A” as Dr. Graham calls it. (If you know you want to switch out of a career but are not sure of your new target career path, check out What Color Is Your Parachute? for some career exploration before jumping into this book.)

The book offers specific steps and strategies for going through the job search process from (re)branding yourself to rocking the interview. It provides advice on how to craft a compelling career story, and how to effectively sell yourself in a new industry or company.

While some career transition books can rely too heavily on platitudes such as “Seize the Day” or “Face your fears,” Switchers offers upbeat, optimistic ideas without sugar coating how challenging it is to make a career transition. If you are ready to do the hard work involved in switching from one career to another, this book will be an excellent guide through that process.

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