The Career Compass
In this blog written by licensed psychologist, LaRae Jome, PhD, find your way with helpful articles, book reviews and more on careers, job searching, workplace conflict, and all the facets of working life.
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Coping with Job Loss in the Time of COVID-19
Losing your job can mean losing your financial security. For many people it means losing a part of their identity. Losing your job can feel like a failure, even when it is not your fault. It is normal to feel helpless and hopeless for a little while.
“Ask For It” Review
“Ask for It”, by Dr. Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, provides practical advice for increasing your negotiation skills.
Beyond Stressed: When Work Stress Becomes Job Burnout
Most people experience stressful times at work at some point in their life. When your work stress never seems to go down and the thought of going to work fills you with dread, you may be headed toward job burnout.
“Roadmap: The Get-It-Together Guide for Figuring Out What To Do With Your Life” Review
If you have wondered “How do you build a career that’s true to who you are?”, then hop on the career exploration road trip in Roadmap for an inspiration ride.
What are the Fastest Growing Occupations?
If you are considering going to school and investing time and money in a new career, it can be helpful to know the projected job openings in that occupation to decide if the investment will be worth it.
“The Ultimate Job Search Guide” Review
Looking for solid job searching advice from an experienced career professional with a minimum of frills? Then The Ultimate Job Search Guide is the book for you.
10 Reasons to Seek Career Counseling
Career counseling can be useful for managing issues that come up in our working lives. Sharing my top 10 reasons for seeking career counseling.
“Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life” Review
For those of you feeling stuck and unhappy in your work, the author of Pivot, Adam Markel, is the cheerleader in your corner, inspiring you to “Seize the Day” and take action now to change your life.